Tuesday, February 3, 2009


What a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Its suppose to be 79 degrees today, which is a bit warm, but its so pretty outside! This morning, we finally sent off our dossier! I am so happy that we got it done! And it is out of our hands now, scary but necessary in order to get to our goal. So from here, it will go to the adoption agency, International Family Services. They will take a look at it and make sure everything is in order and we have all we need (fingers crossed!), then they will send it to Washington, D.C. and then off to ETHIOPIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!! And then......we wait some more....But this time, what puts an end to the wait, is our sweet lil baby..kinda...but closer to anyway...
Last week we attended our first adoption class. I was not very excited about it all to be 100% honest. I didn't know what it was going to be like...would somebody just stand up and talk about stuff we already know about?? If that was the case, i know it would have only made me more anxious and annoyed. But, luckily, it was nothing of that sort!! Melinda is her name, the teacher that is. She herself has 4 kids who all are adopted also. She has worked in this line for a while, so she is familiar with all the paper work and laws, and can also empathize with us on the more emotional part of things too. There was another couple in the class with us, they are just barely beginning the process and are adopting a baby girl from Bulgaria. I could see and feel there excitement. Josh and i were talking on the way home about how weird it is too see some one else going through what we just ended. Anyhoo, the class was more like a nice little chat about all things adoption. We talked about more personal experiences and gave and received advice. I from now on, want to refer to it as a support group. Because that's more of what the "class" will be like.
I am so grateful for all things right now. I am learning to appreciate being happy with the here and now. Looking forward only creates anxiety and fear. Looking back is something i don't do very often, but when i do, that doesn't help either. I am here right now! I am the only ME i can be right now. I cant be this me at any other time, because i wont feel or know the things i know and don't know right now! Does that make any sense? It my strange head it does. I am so thankful for Josh. I can not even begin to think even, about how perfect he is for me. I love him so much! He helps calm me down when i am freaking out about all these things, and he doesn't even really say anything. I love him...sigh.... So now we wait 4-6 months.....wish us luck!

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