Has anyone ever had a Plout before?? Well i first had one last year and now they are back in season...i think its a Plum and Apricot mix...darn good! It looks like something E.T. found on some planet far away! MMMM MMM MMMM!
The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing. It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it, or fix it. I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn't interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, "Yes!" It doesn't interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children. It doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back. It doesn't interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you, from the inside, when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. byOriah Mountain Dreamer
The other day i went frolicking throughout the mesa area to find a part time job somewhere at a school...just like an aid or something fun to fill my time. Well, every school i applied at said they weren't looking for anyone yet so i figured i wouldn't hear back for a while. Well today i had an interview at Emerson Elementary. So i turned down the road merrily singing away and i looked over on another street and an OLD man was flipping me off! He was really old too, like white fluffy hair old! I didn't do anything wrong so i have no idea what his problem was but it was the funniest thing i have seen in a while and i couldn't stop laughing! He saw me laugh too and i think i made him even more mad. Anyhoo... so i show up to my interview and guess who the dean of students(the lady interviewing me) is??? My fourth grade teacher!! How weird is that! Well she thankfully couldn't remember how hyper and A.D.D i was at that age and remembered my good student qualities and hired me on the spot!!! So after my fingerprints and such come back showing that i am not a criminal i will soon be a crossing guard an Emerson Elementary working for my fourth grade teacher! After i take some test then i will be able to be a teachers aid which is more what i was looking for...hopefully i don't get any children run over :/ Also, Josh and I will soon be in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia!! We are very excited about this....the more i read though the more anxious and exhausted i feel...there is soooo much to do and we haven't even begun...i know it will all be ok it just gives me a head ache thinking of all we have to get done....we need passports, home study's, references, biographies of our lives even....not to mention funding as well!!! Boy oh boy, all i know is that we want this really bad and looking back i will feel silly for feeling this way! I am so thankful for all that is happening in my life right now. I am very blessed indeed
Its amazing how life changes so fast. Everyday is different from the day before, every hour changes. Your surroundings change, the weather changes, what you thought yesterday doesn't seem to fit what you think of today...People you love are constant. Its a miracle with all that changes with your atmosphere and goals, and worries, the people you love, you will always love. Even if you don't talk to the ones you love everyday, or hug them when you see them or call them on the phone once in a while, if they held anyplace in you heart, they will always hold that place no matter what! I am grateful for those that are in my heart! Even if i don't talk to you all the time, or tell you that i do love you, you fill a void that no one else could do! I am grateful for all those who make me happy whenever i think of them and i am even grateful to those that i worry about constantly because i still love you and i always will! I hope you all know that!